ENYSi — Lodgings Woven in History

Summer Minor heat Lotuses start blooming

It's that time of the year when lotus flowers rise out of water in full bloom,
mesmerize and delight watchers

Who We Are

Under the theme “Unveiling Japan's soul-shaking beauty," ENYSi brings forward once-in-a-lifetime authentic Japanese experiences for both people in Japan and around the globe to enjoy.

To your modern self living in these present times overflowed with commodities and changing at the speed of light.
How would you like to escape awhile these rough seas and take shelter in a tranquil place with deeply embedded traditions and culture just waiting for you to get acquainted with? This promises to be an experience that will stir up your soul and ignite your spirit!

Temples, shrines, old traditional houses, sake cellars, traditional arts and crafts have shaped the germs of Japan's both high and popular cultures over long years of history.

A myriad cultures still live on today in all corners of Japan, each telling a different story.
And in each such corner there surely are people to recount the story of the place.

Prepare yourself for a genuine experience of locality passed down since olden times—that is the real encounter with Japan! Embark on a spiritual journey that will enrich your inner self.

Photo by Ken DOMON

Photo by Ken DOMON